A Guide to Thailand Go Go Bars

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Thailand known for its vibrant nightlife and Go-Go bars. These bars are a popular destination for tourists, but they can also be confusing and overwhelming for those who are not familiar with the culture. Here is a brief guide on what to expect, how to behave, and the costs of visiting a Thailand Go-Go bar.

When visiting a Go-Go bar in Thailand, you can expect to find an atmosphere that is lively and upbeat. These bars are typically found in the Walking Street area of the city and are known for their bright neon lights, loud music, and attractive staff. Inside, you will generally find a long narrow stage running the middle length of the establishment where many young ladies dance and display themselves for your pleasure. Wearing very little, if anything at all. Some bars will have the ladies perform various dances and shows. The atmosphere can be quite loud, with people talking and laughing, and the music can be quite loud as well. There are generally many of these bars in the same area. If you do not like the bar you are in or feel uncomfortable for any reason. Leave. You will find one to your liking a few doors down.

When it comes to behavior, be aware of the cultural norms and to behave in a respectful manner. Here are some tips on how to behave in a Go-Go bar:

Be mindful of the Mamasan: The Mamasan is the manager or supervisor of the ladies in the Go-Go bar. He or she will be the first person you meet when you enter the bar. She will direct you to seating and look after your needs for the night. It is important to be respectful and polite when interacting with the Mamasan, as they can make or break your experience at the bar.

Dress nicely: Dress in clean and presentable clothing. Avoid wearing tatty shorts, sandals, or anything that is too casual.

Be respectful: Treat the ladies in the bar with respect and politeness. Avoid making inappropriate comments or gestures.

Don’t touch without permission: The ladies in the bar are there to entertain and socialize, but they are not there to be touched without their permission.

Don’t take photos or videos without permission: Please respect the privacy of the ladies in the bar.

Don’t overdrink: Drinking too much can lead to inappropriate behavior. You are a foreigner in the land of smiles. Always drink responsibly.

Be aware of the bar rules: Each Go-Go bar may have different rules, such as a dress code or a policy on touching. Be sure to ask the Mamasan about the rules of the bar before engaging in any behavior that may be considered inappropriate.

When it comes to costs, visiting a Go-Go bar can be extremely entertaining but relatively expensive, as your drink prices are effectively payment for the opportunity to view many scantly clothed, often naked, ladies dancing and socializing for your pleasure. The cost of drinks and entertainment can add up quickly. Here are some costs to be aware of when visiting a Go-Go bar:

Drinks: The cost of drinks will vary depending on the bar and the type of drink. Expect to pay around 100-200 baht ($3-$6USD) for a beer and around 200-300 baht ($6-$9USD) for a spirit or cocktail.

Lady drinks: Keep in mind that most all Go-Go bars also have a lady drink system, where you can buy a drink for the girl of your choice. The price of the drink is considerably higher than the regular drink price. The lady will earn a commission on each drink you purchase for her. You are not obligated to purchase a drink but lady drinks are essentially why a gorgeous young lady will hang on your side and treat you like gods gift to women. Always ask about the prices before buying any drinks.

Bar fine: The vast majority of ladies also provide an escort service. If you want to take a lady to a private room or out of the bar, you will need to pay a bar fine, said to cover the loss of revenue to the establishment while she is not entertaining the in house customers. This fee can range from 500-1500 baht ($15-$45USD) and is non negotiable .

Time with the lady: If you want to spend time with a lady outside of the bar, having a meal, visiting other bars, or possibly in a hotel room, you will need to negotiate a price with her. This fee can vary depending on the lady, the amount of time you want to spend with her and the type of activity you agree upon. Discuss openly and fully your wants and expectations. Know that it is quite acceptable to negotiate, or “haggle” a better price. Some Go-Go bars may offer additional services such as private rooms or VIP areas. These services may come at an extra cost and should be discussed with the Mamasan.

Shows: Some Go-Go bars offer shows such as live music karaoke or other performances, these shows have different prices. Always clearly establish all costs and prices before you enter. You must be aware that some of the less reputable establishments offering questionable shows should be avoided as they can sometimes be risky and even dangerous. On that note, one of the easiest ways to get your self into trouble is if you are not paying for your drinks individually, or as you order them and not keeping a sharp eye on your accumulating bill. Some staff have been known to slip an extra drink bill or ten into an unsuspecting customer’s bill bucket. Keep your wits about you and pay attention. Questioning a bill when it arrives is easy. Arguing a bill at the end of the night, especially if intoxicated is not only pointless, it can quickly become very dangerous.

Keep in mind that the prices can vary depending on the bar and the type of service. Ask the Mamasan or staff about the prices before engaging in any activities. Additionally, it’s essential to have an idea of your budget and to stick to it, to avoid overspending.

In conclusion, visiting a Go-Go bar in Thailand can be a unique and exciting experience. It’s essential to be aware of the cultural norms and to behave in a respectful manner. Additionally, it’s important to be aware of the costs associated with visiting a Go-Go bar, as they can add up quickly. Remember to drink responsibly, respect the privacy and boundaries of the ladies in the bar and have a great time.

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